IFPRI WCAO welcomes Marnie Panattier, Program Manager at The Syngenta Foundation


by IFPRI | 24 July 2019

On Friday, July 5th, 2019 Mrs. Marnie Pannatier, Program Manager at The Syngenta Foundation, visited IFPRI West and Central Africa Office (WCAO) to discuss on youth entrepreneurship in agribusiness in Senegal.

The Syngenta Foundation aims to improve agricultural systems in developing countries, through the provision of Training and Capacity Building, Mechanization services, Agricultural IT services, and tools. They conduct international programs in Bangladesh, India, Nigeria, Mali, and Senegal, through partnerships with public organizations and private parties.

In Africa, The Syngenta Foundation addresses the paradox between Africa’s agricultural potentialities, high rate of youth unemployment and youth lack of interest in the agricultural sector. In Senegal, the Syngenta Foundation has implemented successful models of Agricultural intensification through the Centre for Mechanized Services (CEMA) in the River Valley area and the Farmer’s Hub at Mboro (North-Western Senegal).

Given IFPRI’s experience on agriculture-related fields in developing countries, Mrs. Pannatier’s visit to the Dakar office obeys to the spirit of building partnerships for ideas sharing and exchange of good practices in the fight against poverty and malnutrition.

IFPRI WCAO’s staff that attended this meeting, welcomed the Syngenta Foundation initiative of visiting IFPRI and presented their scope of work. They concluded by highlighting the role of the Institute in elaborating policies and programs that reduce poverty, hunger, and malnutrition.

The Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS) program which mission is to support African countries to achieve the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program (CAADP), by “putting National Agricultural Investment Plans (NAIPs) into operation” was also presented.