VIRTUAL RESEARCH SEMINAR Nutrition-Sensitive Irrigation in Mali


by adiouf | 22 August 2023

Français (French)

Co-organized by IFPRI, Feed the Future Initiative, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and the World Vegetable Center AUG 2, 2023 - 9:00 TO 10:30AM EDT


Nutrition-Sensitive Irrigation in Mali: Guidance for Progress on Water, Food, and Nutrition Security

Irrigation contributes to agricultural intensification and farm profitability, helps farm households extend the growing season, and is increasingly important for farmers' resilience to climate shocks and stressors. Until recently, less attention was paid to the other benefits of irrigation, including improvements in household food security and nutrition, health, and women's empowerment.

According to the most recent State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, the prevalence of undernourishment in Mali is almost 13 percent and nearly a quarter of all children below the age of five are stunted. Moreover, 59 percent of women suffer from anemia, a rate that has barely changed in the last 10 years. Irrigation can improve dietary diversity and reduce stunting. To support nutrition-sensitive irrigation, the Small-Scale Irrigation Innovation Lab, under the leadership of Texas A&M University and with the support of USAID, developed a guidance document on nutrition-sensitive irrigation that describes pathways to support nutrition through better irrigation development. Please join us for a webinar to discuss this important topic on August 2 at 9:00 EDT and 13:00 GMT (Bamako time).