Seminar: Rebuilding Livelihoods in Conflict-Affected Communities in Ethiopia


by ssseck | 23 April 2024

Français (French)

Seminar: Rebuilding Livelihoods in Conflict-Affected Communities in Ethiopia

  • DATE
  • TIME
    09:00 am to 05:00 pm UTC+03:00

Recent conflicts and recurring droughts in Ethiopia are adversely impacting livelihoods. These necessitate major investments to rebuild and rehabilitate affected communities. The government of Ethiopia and its development partners are mobilizing resources for such investments. Such efforts can be significantly enhanced with the identification of cost-effective and sustainable investment options to rebuild livelihoods. This in turn requires compelling empirical evidence to ascertain the economic, social and psychological effects of the conflict and drought to guide potential interventions to promote and sustain recovery. In this regard, the presence of competing needs and limited resources implies that there is an urgent need for empirical evidence to support policy priorities, including evidence that helps to identify cost-effective and sustainable investments in various sectors. For example, rebuilding the production capacities of rural households requires systematic stocktaking of damage and identification of potential interventions to restock these capacities.

Objectives of the conference

With the above demands in mind, the objective of this conference is to share relevant emerging lessons and research findings conducted by CGIAR and its partners. The conference organized by the CGIAR Research Initiatives on National Policies and Strategies (NPS) and Fragility, Conflict, and Migration (FCM), and Policy Studies Institute (PSI) aims to bring together policy makers, development practitioners and researchers working in Ethiopia and beyond. The conference will feature presentations of new empirical work that aims to inform policy priorities and investment options to rehabilitate and rebuild communities affected by conflict and other forms of shocks in Ethiopia.

Major thematic areas

The conference presentations will reflect the broad on-going research covering the following interlinked themes:

  1. Prioritizing and identifying post-conflict recovery options;
  2. Rebuilding of livelihoods and production capacities of rural households amidst compounding shocks;
  3. Livestock and livestock-based livelihoods to facilitate post-conflict recovery;
  4. Women empowerment amidst fragility and conflict;
  5. Behavioral and psychosocial impacts and interventions to rebuild psychosocial capital of conflict affected communities; and
  6. Social assistance and social safety nets to support post-conflict and amidst conflict recovery.

Call for papers

The organizing committee invites submission of relevant papers addressing one or more of the above themes. We encourage both completed work as well as work in progress who can benefit from comments by participants.  Submissions can be sent to

Deadline for submission: The deadline for submission is May 05, 2024. Authors will be notified of the outcome of their submission by May 10, 2024.

How to participate?

» Click here to join virtually

» Click here to join in person, if you are in Addis Ababa on May 29th.

This conference is organized by the CGIAR Research Initiatives on National Policies and Strategies (NPS) and Fragility, Conflict, and Migration (FCM),and the Policy Studies Institute (PSI). We would like to thank all funders who supported this research through their contributions to the CGIAR Trust Fund.

Individuals attending this event may be audio taped, videotaped, or photographed during a meeting, and by attending grant permission for their likenesses and the content of their comments, if any, to be broadcast, webcast, published, or otherwise reported or recorded. Questions? Please contact 

Photo credit: ILRI\Zerihun Sewunet
