

The first decade of the 21st century marked a new beginning for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).The macro-economic indicators required for sustained poverty reduction were certainly encouraging.
Mutual Accountability emerged from high-level development forums in the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Busan Partnership Agreement.
PARI originates from the special initiative of the German Federal Government “One World without Hunger” (SEWOH) funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
As climate change makes rainfed agriculture an increasingly precarious venture, small-scale irrigation technology is key to ensuring smallholder farmers can adapt and manage risk.
The 2018 ReSAKSS Annual Conference organized by the International Research Institute was held  this year in partnership with the African Union Commission.
There are three principal objectives here—the three P's of social protection. The first is protecting households against hunger through consumption smoothing. The second, prevention, is intended to protect a household’s assets during crises.
Agriculture market reforms that allow quality recognition enable farmers to capture higher prices and lead to adoption of better technology.
Empowering women farmers takes more than simply making new technologies available to them: it requires a deeper appreciation of the constraints and specific challenges that may prevent them from adopting and benefiting from it.
Geographic distance and diseconomies of scale have historically made the cost of doing business with smallholder farmers prohibitively high.