

Digital tools can play a vital role in addressing these challenges, as they can provide access to valuable agricultural information, weather forecast, and best practices, helping farmers make informed decisions and improve crop management.
IFPRI is pleased to participate in the Extraordinary Summit on Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), organized by the African Union Commission and hosted by the Government of Uganda on January 9 to 11, 2025.
IFPRI’s 2024 Global Food Policy Report on Food Systems for Healthy Diets, presents evidence-based policy and governance solutions to strengthen diet quality and nutrition in low- and middle-income countries
More than half of low-income countries are at risk of debt distress or have already defaulted. The debt crisis, while exacerbated by recent crises, has been looming for several years.
We assessed the potential effectiveness of human milk banking and lactation support on provision of human milk to neonates admitted in the newborn unit (NBU) at Pumwani Maternity Hospital, Kenya
The Africa Food Systems Forum 2024 annual summit will be a timely opportunity to convene diverse stakeholders, including world leaders, investors, academia, farmers’ organizations
GLOBAL FOOD POLICY REPORT Hybrid Global Launch Event MAY 29, 2024 - 9:30 TO 11:00AM EDT Despite significant progress in addressing hunger,
IFPRI Africa cordially invites you to a Brown Bag Seminar on ‘’ The impact of the African Continental Free Trade
Sudan descended into a violent civil war that has displaced more than 8 million people, destroyed critical infrastructure, and left half the country’s population in need of humanitarian assistance